+91 9981974959, 9174100482


“Let the children come to me and Do not hinder them, for to such belongs The kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:16)

Dear parents and well-wishers,

Greetings of peace and prosperity to all of you!

School is an effective agent. Education is the efficient channel in promoting the integral formation of the child in the Gospel spirit of love and freedom. This is a love that excludes no one based on caste, religion, nationality or race. The prime purpose is to mould an enlightened heart and shape a better human society.

Our educational services aim at forming the students to be intellectually competent, morally sound, psychologically whole, spiritually oriented, culturally integrated, socially responsible, and growing in friendly and harmonious interpersonal relationships.

In this whole process, they are imbued with a deep sense of noble values and concern for the less fortunate and ever open to further growth.

Adhering to the guidelines and educational policies of the JDES we strive daily in training our students to be not only academic achievers but also caring and compassionate human beings, who will make a positive contribution to the society in which we live. To achieve our aim, we look forward to your co-operation and collaboration. Let us all join our hands and hearts together in helping our students to bloom into truly educated citizens

I firmly believe that “One cannot give to others what one does not have” (Ven. Seraphina Farolfi). Therefore, let us strive to be persons of noble virtues, with edifying life style and affirming actions and work together as we instill and cultivate the same values in our students.

May God be glorified in all our endeavors!

Yours in Christ
Sr. Elizabeth Rani cfmss